Friday, January 9, 2009
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Expectancy Violation Theory
Judee Burgoon, " Expectancy Violation Theory" tackles the violation valence, expectancy, and communicator reward valence. Edward Hall discussed proxemics, which consisted of four personal zones in which the Americans correspond with each other:
a) intimate distance
b) personal distance
c) social distance
d) public distance.
EVT is practical in the real world and applicable for many reasons. This theory helps in how to change your relationship and keep it alive. The breaking of norms, such as getting into the proxemics zones of friends is not always necessarily bad, and can stimulate a friendship.
The theory also teaches you not to break the proxemics zones with certain people. The reward valence is practical although sounding shallow, it is true. You are friends with people that can do things for you, although you also do things for you friends. When some one changes their normal response or look at you in an unexpected way, it now can be proven why. Also this theory proves why or why not people do certain body gestures in certain instances.
EVT offers a " soft determinism" rather than hard-core universal laws. Her belief that too many factors affect communication to allow us ever to discover simple cause-and-effect relationships. Added that ' expectancy' is predicted to occur rather than what is desired.
For Griffin: EVT described the word " expectancy" as a situation that your trying to accomplish or simply your desire. That personal space depends on each person's cultural norms. This also link the social status of communicators. In their age/sex/place-of-birth and also each physical appearance.
Example for a Violation theory
A shy girl went to a party , then there was a guy who got so close to her, talking his very private life. It is expected that she would feel not comfortable since they never established relationship with this guy.
Another example to help understand Expectancy Violations Theory can be demonstrated when Pokwang goes for a job interview. She feels that he is not getting very positive feedback from the potential employer, so she knows he should not violate expectancies and further hurt his chances of impressing the interviewer. However, if Pokwang suddenly felt more confident about the relationship she was building with the interviewer, she might consciously violate his or her expectations. She could pick up a picture on his or her desk and comment positively on the picture, hoping that this act would make him positively stick out in the employer's mind later.
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Synopsis- Social Penetration Theory

1. Orientation stage. Here, we play safe with small talk and simple, harmless clichés like ‘Life’s like that’, following standards of social desirability and norms of appropriateness.
2. Exploratory affective stage. We now start to reveal ourselves, expressing personal attitudes about moderate topics such as government and education. This may not be the whole truth as we are not yet comfortable to lay ourselves bare. We are still feeling our way forward. This is the stage of casual friendship, and many relationships do not go past this stage.
3. Affective stage. Now we start to talk about private and personal matters. We may use personal idioms. Criticism and arguments may arise. There may be intimate touching and kissing at this stage.
4. Stable stage. The relationship now reaches a plateau in which personal things are shared and each can predict the emotional reactions of the other person.
5. Depenetration. When the relationship starts to break down and costs exceed benefits, then there is a withdrawal of disclosure which leads to termination of the relationship.
Social Information Processing Theory

Getting you better...
Waste of time and money.
But, unfortunately I have to search again and again. Promptly, last December 24, 2008, this task given forced me to use my pen and paper again jotting down alots of number - A Scientific guess? 0919..0918.. 0909. Sendeng around 11pm-12mn this text message " Merry Christmas!!!". Unluckily, I failed to received replies from those mobile numbers. Well, they said Patience is a virtue. I just waited 'till December 25.
One message received ' Hi! Merry christmas too. Kilala kita? Pakilala nga...' sent: 12/25 @ 4:34:10pm
I then give a beap to his text. This must be my lucky day. I texted my honest reply by saying ' Hey! this is yankee. And u r? sent: 12/25 @ 4: 36:12
Fast text here! He didn't failed to answer my query ' I'm chase. san m n q ha ang # q? '
Wow! I am too confident that this guy is possible to be my text friend. I make sure that have to be put an extra care on my text replies because I am quite afraid that he might discard or ignore my text. It has been a surprise when tried to call me. 'What am I gonna do? ' .
So to cut the story I answered his call. Just a 2mins. conversation. He just only want to hear my voice.
This gave me a verbal cues. I guess this guy don't believe that really I am a girl or it could be he just only want to test me?.
In Social Information Processing Theory, Complextity are being discussed because there are times that ' disclosure' happens as a mere way of expressing oneself and not necessarily as a way of being close or developing a relationship with someone.
This happened when Chase, shared about his personal life with regards to his family and former girlfriend ' Alam mo yankee, mahirap lang kami kaya cvguro kmi nag break..' sent: 12/26 @ 10:12:05
I wasn't able to give my fast reply, I want to think for a better avdice. I am not a good adviser. ' Hard time' .
Here, it's my not in my expectation that we'll reach this way. I feel timid and pity.
' I am sori chase, 4 late text been bz.. doin hometasks..
Pls. don't think that b'coz ur poor you dnt have ryt to be loved. Life is not that easy to grasp but all you need to do is to be positive and take it as a big challenge in life =) okamz? be happy. ' sent: 12/26 @ 1: 12: 15
I believe his busy too because, Chase by the way is a Registered Nurse from Iloilo. So I need to understand him.
Feedback, really works here! . Self - Fulfilling Prophecy
- tendency for persson's expectation of others to evoke a response from them that confirms what he she anticipated. Believing it's so can make it so.
Senders self-select what they reveal, receivers create an idealized image of their partner, and channel lets users express themselves the way they want, when they want.
After hours, after hours Chase send me a thak you message. ' Salamat yank, and cnxa bz dn eh. Musta? ' sent: 12/27 18:12:09
There, our friendship with the use of CMC is working well. My feedback and his feedback resulted as fine.
On the other hand, eventhough we failled to text back promptly, I learned that ' a delayed response to someone may indicate receptivity and liking in a more intimate relationship; partners are comfortable with one another do not need to reply each other quickly.
Synopsis of Symbolic Interactionism
It also focuses on the theories about symbolic activity, both verbal and non-verval are used to show the significance of symbols in the daily interactions of human.
The term "symbolic interaction" refers, of course, to the peculiar and distinctive character of interaction as it takes place between human beings. The peculiarity consists in the fact that human beings interpret or "define" each other's actions instead of merely reacting to each other's actions. Their "response" is not made directly to the actions of one another but instead is based on the meaning which they attach to such actions. Thus, human interaction is mediated by the use of symbols, by interpretation, or by ascertaining the meaning of one another's actions. This mediation is equivalent to inserting a process of interpretation between stimulus and response in the case of human behavior. (Blumer, p. 180).
Symbolic interactionists are often criticized by other sociologists for being overly impressionistic in their research methods and somewhat unsystematic in their theories. These objections, combined with the fairly narrow focus of interactionist research on small-group interactions and other social psychological issues, have relegated the interactionist camp to a minority position among sociologists, although a fairly substantial minority.
Given the example, when we come to interact with others, we oftentimes think of what meanings would they put on the way we act or speak.
Like, during our class discussions, we have discussed the different views some selected authors. Most of them differ on the words used but have the same thought.