Would you mind if I touched you?
I mean, really touched you..
I mean, touch you where it matters..
heart, spirit, and soul
your inner woman
the part of you that hide that is sacred?
Would you let me build an altar there,
where we can worship together-as one
transparent and unashamed?
And would you mind if I looked at you?
I mean really looked at you...
Past the you
that you've so carefully groomed for me to see?
Past the tough exterior,deep within your heart
where it's soft, warm and vulnerable?
Would you let me fill you with reassurances? until I felt your defenses?
yield in the pain of my hand
and respond to my invitation to love?
and then I'd like to hear you,
I mean, really hear u,
So... would u mind if I tasted you?
I mean really taste u..
the bitterness of you..
the sweetness of u..
all the flavors of u..
that make you so rare..
and unforgettable...
I'd like to savor your love
like a rich dessert..
and all that would be left
is the scent of you..
By the way would u mind if I breathed in ur essence?ur life?
I promise I'd return it..
and treasure the memory of living
through your senses/..
for then I would totally know you..
and know how to love you in return...