Benjamin Barry ( Matthew McConaughey) is an advertising executive and ladies' who to win a big campaign, bets that he can make woman fall in love him in 10 days. Andie Anderson covers the '' How to lose a guy in 10 days? " beat for " composure"magazine and is assigned to write an article on How to lose a guy in 10 days , meet in a bar shortly after the bet is made . ( Just as Public Distance turned to Intimate distance zone? )
:"People from all over the world have different perspectives of what behaviors are considered appropriate for a specific setting. When these behaviors impact other people in a negative way, expectancy violations has occurred. In "How to Lose a Guy in 10 days," this theory identifies with the nature of two people meeting to form a potential relationship. When forming a relationship, both individuals have "preconceived

I got glued in this movie. Well, in fact I never consider myself as an ignorant with this type of uninteresting movie ( Peace (: ). But,why does I decided to watch this movie if it viewed as " UNINTERESTING?". It's my task.. I better do.
Last, 2 weeks we were given a 3 hours to watch and analyze this movie. Find it vague , really. In the long run, I got fine and I must continue.
How technical, foooof!. Thinking further is quite intricate for me to analyze this movie, Expectancy Violation Theory match to " HOW TO LOSE A GUY IN JUST 10 DAYS?"
First, we need to know how did the movie being linked in the given theory.
From the very genesis or perhaps, it's too cogent to have alots of covered critiques and reactions.
Spectators and readers of the story may find many consumptions, reactions that were being violated in different events.
The scenario that was being shown in the movie fed lessons towards the expected outcome flown in this movie.
Indeed, " Expectancy Violation Theory", there were 60/100 resulted violation. To be dearth in some points of desired expectation from both casts.
Hey, does it sounds fair if we won't find any violations " HOW TO LOSE A GUY IN 10 DAYS?".
Violation occurs anytime, it may be in non-verbal or verbal. As we attached this in given 4 personal space zone, we find it as vague.
"Sometimes you play well and deserve to win but you end up losing. The most important thing for us is to make sure we're consistent throughout the season".
In Proxemics we'll have an idea to justify this thing. Here we may find an obviuos results in relation to their becoming "relationship". Both of them are intimate to one another. Does " violation valence'" as resulted to the communicator influence how the violation will affect communication outcomes it could be negative or positve depending to who's doing the said behavior. Just like this when - she's trying to lose him, in the contrary Bejamin is doing whatever it takes to keep here! We can see an conclude here that by trying there were many scenes that was being violated in the expection of Andie. Same with Benjamin expectation doing his best to win Andie.
EVT helped me to give my first and final analysis, even though I was in the stage of ambiguous mind because when you " Love" it must be in the next to next steps. Perhaps, it's really in own contest. Personal space is too invisible does we find it hard to always rely in our own expectations.
Does EVT exists in this stupid line? " You never lose by loving. You always lose by holding back".
Well, it's now interesting!
word counts: 501