Thursday, January 21, 2010

who invented the cable?

John Walson was also the first cable operator to use microwave to import distant television stations, the first to use coaxial cable for improved picture quality, and the first to distribute pay television programming (HBO). Jerry J. Brooks XxPOOHxX

John Walson Visits
The Moon - Part 6
Artificial Artifacts Found World Exclusive
By Jeff Rense
All images and videotape footage ©2008 by John Lenard Walson. All Rights Reserved. Copying or Reproduction in any media are prohibited without written permission of and John Lenard Walson. All text is ©2008 Links are encouraged.
In John's latest trip to the moon, he videotaped something most extraordinary with his 8-inch modified Meade telescope. Here are some stills from the HD video he made of a ring-shaped UFO he observed flying over much of the lunar surface. Is this final proof that intelligently built, non-human space craft are out there?

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